Membre de la SCNAT

Sous l'égide de la SSS, des biologistes de différents domaines s'investissent pour les intérêts de la systématique et de la taxonomie. La SSS sert d'interlocutrice compétente pour la science et la société et entretient des échanges internationaux.en plus

Image : C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.comen plus


The Key dates of the Society

2001 - The ScNat mandated a working group, the "Task Force Systematik" to report on the state of Systematics in Switzerland.

2004 - The creation of a specialized scientific society was included among the proposals of the working group to strengthen this area in the country.

- First discussion between Daniel Burckhardt, Philippe Clerc and Jean Mariaux on the format and objectives of the society.

- A survey among professionals working in Switzerland confirmed the interest for this project.

2005 - Creation of the SSS by Daniel Burckhardt, Philippe Clerc and Jean Mariaux, along with Winand Brickmann and Hannes Baur.

- Pretty soon the SSS reaches over 100 members. This number has been stable since then.

2007 - The SSS becomes a member of the ScNat

2008 - First Participation to the Biology meeting in Lausanne

- First SSS Day in Bern

2010 - First SSS Day with a specialized workshop

The future of systematics in Switzerland:

systematics as a key discipline in biology

J Zool Syst Evol Res. 2007

L'avenir de la systématique en Suisse:

une discipline biologique fondamentale

ScNat 2006