Membre de la SCNAT

Sous l'égide de la SSS, des biologistes de différents domaines s'investissent pour les intérêts de la systématique et de la taxonomie. La SSS sert d'interlocutrice compétente pour la science et la société et entretient des échanges internationaux.en plus

Image : C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.comen plus

“The SDGs run the risk of becoming an anti-politics machine”

Interview with Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller

Tobias Haller. Photo: zvg

Half-time for the 2030 Agenda: besides a clear delay in terms of their implementation, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are also attracting criticism. Tobias Haller, professor at the University of Bern’s Institute of Social Anthropology and affiliated to CDE, warns: “Because commons are not included in the 2030 Agenda, state elites and private individuals can continue to legitimize the grabbing of such resources – not least through the SDGs themselves.”

Read the full interview with Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller by Gaby Allheilig

