Mitglied der SCNAT

Unter dem Dach der SSS setzen sich Biologinnen und Biologen aus den unterschiedlichsten Feldern für die Interessen der Systematik und der Taxonomie ein. Die SSS ist kompetente Ansprechpartnerin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft und pflegt den internationalen Austausch.mehr

Bild: C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.commehr

Biology meeting

The Swiss conference on organismic biology

The "biology" conference is the yearly joint congress of the Swiss Zoological Society, the Swiss Botanical Society, and the Swiss Systematics Society.

One expected output of the meeting is to demonstrate the enthusiasm of researchers in Switzerland, and neighboring countries, for research activities in fields as diverse as evolutionary biology, systematics, biodiversity, ecology, evo-devo, and many more…

The conference provides the opportunity for young scientists from Swiss universities and research institutions to present their work in organismic biology.


Biology24: Zurich

More information coming soon...


Biology23 - Geneva February 16-17, 2023

Co-organized by the Université de Genève, les Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève et le Muséum d’histoire naturelle de la Ville de Genève. Hosted by the Université de Genève.

Invited speakers:

Sonya Clegg, University of Oxford (Darwin's talk)

Elena Conti, University of Zürich

Tim Coulson, University of Oxford

Laurent Excoffier, University of Bern

Catherine Graham, Swiss Federal Research Institute

Detailed program here.


Biology22 - Basel -February 17-18 2022

Biology22 is the largest conference of organismal biology in Switzerland to stimulate exchange between students, researchers, and professors across scientific institutions, research groups, and disciplines. It is also the annual joint meeting of the Swiss Zoological, Botanical, and Systematics Societies.

Registration and program


Allison C. Daley, professor at Lausanne University, CH

Erik Svensson, professor at Lund University, SE

Asst. Prof. Bibiana Rojas, professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, AT

Isabel Sanmartín PhD, Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, ES

Darwin talk

Assoc. Prof. Tadeusz J. Kawecki, University of Lausanne, CH

Biology21 - cancelled

Unfortunately the Biology meeting in Basel has been cancelled due to the covid situation.

Logo de Université de Fribourg

Biology20 - Fribourg

6-7 February 2020 . University of Fribourg

Pleanary talks:

Iain Couzin: The geometry of decision making

Alexandra-Maria Klein: Biodiversity and pollination services – 20 years of research

Claudia Bank: Fitness landscapes and the predictability of evolution

Andrea Waeschenbach: Macroevolutionary dynamics in Bryozoa

Darwin’s talk by John Pannell: The Hothouse, the Sandwalk, and the Armchair

Detailed program here

Biology19 logo
Bild: Biology19

Biology19 - Zurich 7-8 February 2019

Biology19 is the largest conference of organismal biology in Switzerland to stimulate exchange between students, researchers and professors across scientific institutions, research groups and disciplines. It is also the annual joint meeting of the Swiss Zoological, Botanical, and Systematics societies.

The two-day conference will include four plenary talks by invited speakers, many oral presentations by early-career scientists and poster sessions. Thursday evening, the traditional Darwin Dinner in honor of Darwin's birthday will feature Barbara König (University of Zurich) as our invited speaker.

Important dates:

10.11.2018 Registration opens
23.12.2018 Talk & poster submission closes
07.02.2019 Conference begins

Uni Neuchâtel logo

Biology18: 15-16 February 2018, Université de Neuchâtel

Biology18 - the annual Swiss conference on ecology, evolution, systematics and conservation, will take place at the University of Neuchâtel on Thursday 15 and Friday 16 February 2018.

Invited speakers:
Raphaël Arlettaz (University of Bern) - Conservation biology and restoration ecology
Anna-Liisa Laine (University of Helsinki) - Ecology and evolution of host-parasite interactions
Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas (University of Bern) - Human evolutionary history
Klaus Zuberbühler (University of Neuchâtel) - Evolution of intelligence and origins of language in non-human primates

logo Biology17

Biology17: 2-3 February 2017, Bern

biology17 – the annual Swiss conference on ecology, evolution, systematics and conservation, took place at the University of Bern on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 February 2017.

359 participants, 5 keynote lectures, 20 regular presentations, 20 flash talks and 114 posters from students and early-career researchers – biology17 in Bern was the largest biology conference so far. The success of this format probably lies in its wide scope which encompasses all organismic biology in Switzerland. This year’s edition took place in the main building of the University of Bern where we organized two parallel sessions on Thursday and Friday, 2./3. February 2017. The traditional Darwin party took place on Thursday evening at the Natural History Museum in Bern and featured a very entertaining keynote address by Tom Wenseleers on the evolution of social behaviour.

We followed the example of biology16 in Lausanne in organizing three pre-conference events on Wednesday, 1. February: a workshop on transdisciplinary science (by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences), a workshop in computational biology (by the Swiss Bioinformatics Institute, which joined the biology meeting for the first time this year), and a scientific outreach event in the form of a scientific speed-dating. The latter attracted a lot of media attention, including a half-hour segment in the local radio station Radio RaBe – you can still listen to it here.

Complete program


Biology16 - Lausanne

This year the conference took place at the University of Lausanne, on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 February 2016.

The event included public outreach events : science-public speed dating and poster for the general public.


Biology15 in Zurich (EAWAG)

“Biology15” organization committee:

Arianne Maniglia, Marianne Leutzinger, Emanuel Fronhofer, and Jukka Jokela

13.03.2015: Biology15 is now over. A summary of the meeting can be found on the webpage.

Biology14 logo