Member of SCNAT

Under the umbrella of the SSS, biologists from different fields are dedicated to the interests of systematics and taxonomy. The SSS serves as a competent contact for the scientists and the society, and maintains an international exchange.more

Image: C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.commore

Activities and Events

Collection entomologique (coléoptères)
Image: P. Wagneur, MHNG


The SSS supports the development of a Swiss Natural History Collections Network.

The Swiss Natural History Collections Network (SwissCollNet) develops a common vision for natural history collections in Switzerland.

The main goals of the initiative are to

  • promote the management and curation of natural history collections in Switzerland;
  • unify physical and virtual access to biodiversity and geodiversity information;
  • provide new, linked and open access to data associated with collections;
  • create a platform to encourage and supprot the scientific use of natural history collections.

Events, News

Angeknabbertes Nilpferdohr oder Bruchstück eines Schildkrötenpanzers? Welche Geschichte verbirgt sich wohl hinter diesem Fossil?

Verborgene Schätze der Natur im Scheinwerferlicht

Der Tag der naturhistorischen Sammlungen findet am 20. November in beinahe 20 Museen und botanischen Gärten der Schweiz statt. Auf dem Programm stehen nebst Führungen hinter die Kulissen auch vielfältige

Image: Naturmuseum Solothurn

The Society annual meeting

One day (odd years) or two days (even years), usually in November.

This meeting includes seminars, talks, the SSS general assembly, workshop on methods or softwares...

Open to all, members or not!