Membro della SCNAT

Sotto l’egida della SSS biologi provenienti da diversissimi campi si impegnano per gli interessi della sistematica e della tassonomia. La SSS è un’interlocutrice competente per la scienza e la società e coltiva uno scambio internazionale.di più

Immagine: C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.comdi più


Luogo della manifestazione

University of Lausanne

Biology25 is the largest conference dedicated to organismal biology in Switzerland and serves as the annual joint meeting of the Swiss Zoological Society, the Swiss Botanical Society, and the Swiss Systematics Society.

Immagine: © 2024 Biology25 Theme by Anders Norén

We are delighted to announce that registration for the Biology25 conference is now open! The conference will take place February 13 to 14, 2025, at the University of Lausanne, with engaging satellite events on February 12. It offers a great opportunity for PhD students and early-career researchers to showcase their research.


Abstract submission deadline is 29 November 2024
Lingue: Inglese