Membro della SCNAT

Sotto l’egida della SSS biologi provenienti da diversissimi campi si impegnano per gli interessi della sistematica e della tassonomia. La SSS è un’interlocutrice competente per la scienza e la società e coltiva uno scambio internazionale.di più

Immagine: C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.comdi più

Research for peace

Horizons No. 143

The ideal sounds great: science competently promotes peaceful global cooperation. But the ideal is too good to be true. There can only be rapprochement towards world peace. And even for this, grey areas must be discussed incessantly - a core competence of science. What works and what doesn't.

Horizons No. 143 (German)
  • Searching for a more perfect harmony
  • Big science, ambassadors and diplomacy in the fight for peace
  • “No absolute, unproblematic stance towards military research exists”
  • Working together while avoiding talk of war
  • In pictures: Symbols against war and violence
  • Science is no harbinger of peace


  • Cooperazione internazionale
Inglese, Tedesco, Francese