Membro della SCNAT

Sotto l’egida della SSS biologi provenienti da diversissimi campi si impegnano per gli interessi della sistematica e della tassonomia. La SSS è un’interlocutrice competente per la scienza e la società e coltiva uno scambio internazionale.di più

Immagine: C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.comdi più

A new culture of failure in North-South research partnerships

Brilliant failure – at first this sounds more like a contradiction than a productive way of dealing with difficulties. Yet, a synthesis project from the r4d programme turned it into an innovative concept with regard to North-South research partnerships. The result is a film that is as entertaining as it is inspiring.

Brilliant Failures

The half-hour film “Brilliant Failure in International Partnerships” consists of three chapters, which are published as individual 8 to 10-minute videos on Youtube. They consist of video footage, recordings of zoom interviews and drawn animations and can be watched individually or as a group.

Brilliant Failure in International Partnerships - Trailer
Brilliant Failures Chapter 1: What is Failure?
Brilliant Failure Chapter 2: Knowledge Management, Success and Leadership
Brilliant Failure Chapter 3: Partner Selection

